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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hathyogic Aproaches - Saptang Yoga according to Gherand Samhita

saptanga yoga - the unitive dicipline of the seven limb ( Sapt - anga) also known as sapt sadhana in the gherand samhita. these are :-
Shatkarmas (six purificatory practices) - purify the body
Asanas (posture) - Strengthen
Mudra (Seal) - brings about steadiness
Pratyahara (sensory inhibition) - Results in calmness
Pranayama (Breath control) - leads to lightness
Dhyana (meditation) - Given realisation of the self and
Samadhi (ecstasy) - leads to isolation which is verify libration

Shatkarma :- Shatkarma is a compound word consisting of two components: shat meaning 'six' and karma meaning 'art' or 'process'.
The six process for internal purification, its special form of therapy for elimination of the disease causes by humor or morbid matter. these are :
Neti - cleansing of nastrils.
Dhauti - Cleaning of the digestive tract
Basti - Enema, colon cleaning
Nauli - Movement of Nevel or abdominal massage
Tratak - Looking at fixed point
Kapalbhati - Vigorous Exhalation, purification and vitalisation of the frontal lobes

Asana (Yoga postures):- asana bring from sanskrit word आस meaning to sit down) is a body position, typically associated with the practice of Yoga, intended primarily to restore and maintain a practitioner's well-being, improve the body's flexibility and vitality, and promote the ability to remain in seated meditation for extended periods.
there are four kinds of posture :
1. Meditative Posture
2. Cultural Posture
3. Classical Posture
4. Relaxative Posture
Mudra (Seal or Gesture) :- Mudra is a certain position which represents the psyche. mudra means the symbolic gesture of the body parts. it helps to develop awereness of the currents of vital energy within the body and to gain conscious control over these forces.
though mudras the unwanted physical responses are controlled and the pranic energy in the subtle body is voluntarily activate and made to flow for spiritual benefits.
A practice, that includes a confluence of Asanas,Pranayama and Bandha called Mudra. 25 Mudras have been explained in gherand samhita.
Pratyahara (sensory inhibition) :- Pratyahar or abstraction is , the imitation by the senses of the mind by withdrawing themselves from their objects. though pratyahara appears to be a control of the senses by the mind, the essential technique is the withdrawal of the mind in to the itself.
it is a kind of obstraction so complete that the sense organs cease to function. the regular practice of pratyahara makes an individual completely capable of becoming the master of Indriyas or Senses.
Pranayama (Breath control) :- The term pranayama has been constituted by two words : Prana + Ayama.
Prana is the vital force which pervades the whole cosmos. prana is move subtle than air and can be defined as the energy essence that is within everything in the universe. prana is the principle of development and sustenance both of the nervous and cellular tissues of the body and the mind. in the process of breathing when the prana air is inhaled, definite action takes place one is related to the ingestion of oxygen in to the alveoli system and the other to the ingestion of the nervous energy in to the brain system through the nasal olfactories.
Ayama means to control or to give a rhythm or a definite flow. in this sense pranayama may be defined as a process and technique through which vital energy can be stimulated and increased, and this brings about perfect control over the flow of prana within the body.
Pranayama means to control the vital energy by control of the breath or the breathing process.
Dhyana (meditation) :- meditation is an unbroken flow of knowledge of the object on which one meditates.
A person , who meditates atleast half an hour daily will be able to face the battle of life with peace and spiritual strength. meditation kills all pains, sufferings and sorrow. it is the most powerful mental and nervine tonic. the divine energy flows freely in to an aspirant during meditation and puts up a benign. soothing influence on the mind sense organs and nerves. thus the whole body gets rejuvenated, meditation is the key to unlock the secrets of tlfe, to open the doors of intuitive knowledge and realise the eternal bless.
Samadhi (ecstasy) :- Samadhi is a state of super consciousness. it is a state of union with God. it is a state which is full of all bliss , joy and peace.
in samadhi the sadhaka loses his individuality and becomes totally identified with the supreme self just as the river joins the ocean. this blessful divine experience arises when the ego and mind are dissolved. in the state of samadhi the meditator is not conscious os any external or internal objects. there is no thinking, hearing, smelling or seeing.