Along with yoga, nasal washing with saline water (Jalaneti) helps to keep the nose and the nostrils clean and free from any blockage in the nostrils. Breathing exercise of yoga like Breath exercise and alternate nostril breathing can also help in the treatment of sinus to great extent. It helps the membranes to be free from the allergy which causes infection. Sinus also affects the eyes and other organs of the body. It affects the facial muscles badly. Yoga helps to provide sufficient oxygen to the muscles of the face and help to rejuvenate them. One feels fresh and active after practicing yoga exercises and it provides relief to the eyes also. It also provides freedom from the heaviness of the head and there is no breath struggle in the worst case of sinus. It also provides relief from congestion and constant sneezing.
Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) provides exercise to all the organs of the body and nourishes the body from within so as to make it active all day long. Pavanmuktanasana (aeroplane pose) and bhujangasana (cobra pose) provides exercise to the upper organs of the body thereby provides relief from the sinus and congestion in the throat region.
several poses are invaluable for relieving sinus pressure—namely, standing poses; Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), done on several rolled mats arranged from the shoulders to the elbows; and Ardha Halasana (Supported Half Plow Pose). Sarvangasana and Ardha Halasana should be held for some time to receive the full benefits. The sinuses may remain blocked at first; but after some time in the poses, as the practitioner relaxes, the sinuses usually open up, bringing relief. Eka Pada Savarganasana (Plow Pose with one leg up and one down) is also particularly good: The inversions act as a natural flushing mechanism for the blocked sinuses. The blood circulates with tremendous force into the stagnated areas, clearing away the secretions to clear the passageways and restore free breathing.
Practice Headstand only after the disorder is alleviated. At that point, regular practice of inversions helps keep the sinuses and respiratory tract healthy.